Women's Ministry

Women's Ministries

Balboa Women’s Ministry has six areas of ministry to support our mission – equipping women to know, love, and serve Christ:

  1. Prayer and Encouragement
  2. Spiritual Development
  3. Outreach on Campus
  4. Outreach off Campus
  5. Special Events
  6. Communication and Administration

Prayer is the foundation of the women’s ministry and serves as an act of worship that glorifies God and reinforces our need for Him to direct our ministry.

All activities are open to all women.

Prayer and Encouragement

The purpose of Prayer and Encouragement is to:

  • provide opportunities to join together in prayer to communicate with God, align our lives with His purpose, and deepen our relationship with Him.
  • express God’s love through recognition, encouragement, and appreciation.
Activities to Support Prayer and Encouragement include:

Spiritual Development

The purpose of Spiritual Development is to:

  • provide sound structural theological training and discussion.
  • provide opportunities for spiritual growth through appropriate bible study lessons.
  • provide information on current spiritual enrichment opportunities.
Activities to Support Spiritual Development include:

Outreach On Campus

The purpose of Outreach On Campus is to:

  • reach those outside the church to make them aware of God’s love in action.
  • reach those inside the church to provide opportunity for meaningful activities that result in helping others, support, encouragement, and glorifying God.
  • provide activities in a relaxed and welcoming environment to discover and use spiritual gifts and provide opportunity for spiritual growth.
Activities to Support Outreach On Campus include:

Outreach Off Campus

Purpose: To provide outreach opportunities to meet needs in the community and surrounding areas.  Outreach projects this year include providing goods and services and praying with the homeless, creating bags to provide to homeless, providing goods and services for Boys and Girls Club, and collaboration with area churches to provide food and/or snacks for hot Springs Village Police Department and security guards.

Activities to Support Outreach Off Campus include:

Special Events

The purpose of Special Events is to:

  • provide opportunities for fellowship that allow women to learn from each other, strengthen one another, and demonstrate God’s love through actions.
  • provide opportunities for spiritual growth through biblical teaching that allows for growth of grace and knowledge in Jesus Christ.
  • provide opportunities for outreach through extending our services and helping others to provide support and encouragement to glorify God.
Activities to Support Special Events include:

Communication and Administration

The purpose of Communication and Administration is to:

  • ensure timely communication of BWM Ministry offerings to the church and outreach to our community.
  • maintain the tools and techniques to ensure consistency in what we do to support BWM ministry.
  • maintain files on events and team that can be used for future planning.
Support Activities for Communication and Administration include: