Jesus said in Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
When you give to Balboa Baptist Church, your gift supports the many ministries of our church and allows us to serve our community. This includes everything from Sunday worship to multiple ministries to sponsoring community events.
If you choose to designate to Global Missions your donation will be divided as follows:
- 15% will go to our local church missions
- 15% will go to Arkansas missions through Dixie Jackson
- 20% will go to National missions through Annie Armstrong
- 50% will go to International missions through Lottie Moon
If you want your gift to be applied to one of these specifically, you may designate an amount to the mission area you choose.
We want you to know how much we deeply appreciate your incredible generosity. Thank you!