Thinking of visiting us for the first time?
We know it can feel a little intimidating to visit any new place for the first time. So, we want to do everything we can to make your first visit to Balboa Baptist Church a great experience. To that end, this page offers some great information that will let you know what to expect when you decide to visit and worship with us for the first time! If you are interested in visiting Balboa, fill out our Visit Form and someone will be in touch.
SPECIAL NOTE: If you would prefer to meet with our Lead Pastor before or after your first visit, he would be glad to meet with you for coffee or lunch to talk in person about what you are looking for in a home church. Just give him a call at 501-922-0155 to set an appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
What style of worship services do we have?
We offer two different styles of worship services:
The Traditional Service is comprised mostly of hymns and is led by our Pastor of Traditional Worship assisted by choir, piano, and organ.
The Contemporary Service is comprised mostly of newer songs with a modernized hymn here and there and is led by our Pastor of Contemporary Worship assisted by a band comprised of guitars, drums, bass, keyboard, and vocalists.
What times are the services and where do they take place?
The Traditional Service takes place in our sanctuary every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. The Contemporary Service takes place in our Outreach Center every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
What's the preaching/teaching like?
The preaching and teaching here at Balboa Baptist are practical, biblical, and relevant to our daily lives. All of our preaching and teaching are faithful to scripture as we hold that the Bible is the standard for all truth. Both services can also be viewed live or recorded on our Facebook page or online at our Live Stream page if you are unable to attend.
What should I wear?
Wear what you want! Whether it’s a 3-piece suit, or casual, we want you to be comfortable to be who you are and focus on connecting with God. The Bible says in 1 Samuel 16:7, God doesn’t look at the outward appearance, but He looks at the heart. So, if He doesn’t consider your attire a major concern, neither do we!
What about my kids during church?
Nursery/childcare is available during both Sunday services for children in kindergarten and below. Kids in 1st grade or older attend worship services with their families and go to their own small group classes separate from their parent’s classes.
What Bible Study opportunities are available?
We are excited to provide a wide range of Bible Study Opportunities at 9:00 am and 10:30 am on Sunday. We also have expanded bible study on Grow Deeper Wednesdays and other specialized opportunities throughout the week. You can explore these by visiting our Bible Study page.
We know you probably have many more questions! Again, we invite you to either join us for a worship service or call our Lead Pastor to set an appointment for a personal visit for coffee or lunch.