We often hear of injustices and tragedies. It makes us wonder why. Jesus did not give an answer to the why-question, but He did answer the what-question.
Jesus referred to two first century tragedies. A group of people were murdered by a Roman Governor. A tower fell and killed eighteen people. Why did these horrible things happen? Jesus does not answer that question. But he did answer a more important question.
Jesus starts with a question. He asks those listening if they think those killed were more sinful than others. He said “No” that’s not why it happened. But then He turned to the more important question: What must you do to live eternally? You are going to die. But the more important than how you will die is the question of where you will spend eternity after you die.
In Luke 13:1-5 Jesus said, “No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish as well.” Repent is not a word we use much anymore. It means to change one’s mind. Those victims of tragedy were not worse sinners. The fact is we all are sinners and must repent, change our minds, be remorseful for offending our loving and holy Creator.
The twin word to repent is faith. Faith is the other side of the coin. You must repent and put your faith in God’s means of salvation, His Son. Confess Jesus Christ as Lord, crucified for your sins, resurrected from the dead, and living in His followers by His Holy Spirit.
The fact is, everyone has sinned, not just those on whom tragedies befall. Just as you cannot jump across the Grand Canyon, you cannot save yourself when you leave this life. The only way to be saved is to repent of your sins and trust Jesus Christ as the Lord of all.
I don’t know why tragedies befall people, but I do know the answer to a more important question. What must you do to live eternally? “Unless you repent, you will all perish as well.” There’s Good News! God loves you. Jesus died for you. Repent and believe and you will be saved! Your eternity depends on it. A purposeful life here and now depends on it.
Come worship in-person this Sunday at 9:00am (Traditional Worship) or 10:30am (Contemporary Worship). Bible Classes meet at the same hours. www.BalboaBaptist.Church.