Jesus does not want to be part of your life. That’s an astounding statement coming from a pastor of a Bible-believing church who in absolutely convinced faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is the only way to the Father in heaven. So what do I mean?
Well, here’s the point. Jesus wants to be your life, not part of it. He doesn’t want to be someone you visit on Sunday morning at a church building. He doesn’t want you to be a believer one day per week and live the opposite the other six days.
I pour syrup on my entire waffle, not just into one of the squares. The syrup permeates the entire waffle. We tend to compartmentalize our lives. We put work in a compartment, hobbies in one, and then Jesus in another. Jesus does not want to be in a single square, but permeate every compartment. You need to write “Jesus is Lord” is every compartment.
Is it possible to live for Christ 24/7? When you believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, God puts His Spirit in you. “And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, then He who raised Christ from the dead will also bring your mortal bodies to life through His Spirit who lives in you” (Romans 8:11 csb). All genuine followers of Christ have His Spirit living in them. “If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him” (Romans 8:9b csb).
Jesus cannot be your life unless you have the power of God’s Spirit living in you. Once you trust Jesus as Savior and His Spirit lives in you, then you are daily to die to self and live for Him. No, we can’t live perfect lives here on earth, but we are to pursue Christlikeness, with the power of the Holy Spirit, with all of our being.
“In view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present you bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship” (Romans 12:1). Jesus does not want to be part of your life; He wants to be your life!
Come worship in-person each Sunday at 8:45am (Traditional) or 11:00am (Contemporary). Go online at Balboa.Live or Facebook/Balboa Baptist or YouTube/BalboaBaptist to watch livestream or recorded. www.BalboaBaptist.Church