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I Have a Problem

I Have a Problem

What problem are you carrying with you today? What difficult person are you dealing with? What trouble are you facing? The pain in your heart is enormous. The weight is crushing. You want to scream and then you want to hide in a dark room. What can you do?

Rather than giving in to your emotions of defeat, rage, or sadness, here’s what you need to do first. Humble yourself under God. Picture the hand of God as ten times larger than your body. Bow under the mighty hand of God. He is greater than your emotions and your problem.

This requires humility. It is the opposite of pride. Pride is our go-to natural reaction. Pride is the onramp to the freeway of destructive ways to deal with the angst. Humbly bringing yourself under God’s love, authority, and power is the opposite of what the true enemy, the evil one, tempts you to do.

Humility requires faith in the mighty God of the universe Who created you and Who sent to earth His Son Jesus Christ to die for you. Faith: He is mightier than nuclear fission. Faith: He is greater than Communist China. Faith: He is bigger than your problem. You start by putting your faith in God and bowing humbly before Him.

Try it. Find a place where you can be alone. In the back bedroom with the door closed, in your car parked on the beach, or early in the morning or late at night when the house is quiet, bow before the almighty God, humble yourself.

Now you are in a position to be lifted up in dealing with the problem or issue. Now you are in a position to throw all that bothers you onto God. Now you can understand how much He cares for you. “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you” (1 Peter 5:6-7 CSB).

Have you started a relationship with God yet? “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Come worship in-person this Sunday at 9:00am (Traditional Worship) or 10:30am (Contemporary Worship). Bible Classes meet at the same hours. www.BalboaBaptist.Church.